The Neck & Shoulder Breath
The Chest Breath (Video link) and the Neck & Shoulder Breath were the very first things that I learned when I started studying Qi Gong and to this day, I use them all the time:
to relieve tension when I feel stressed and overwhelmed
to calm down when I’m angry or anxious
to relax before going to sleep
These two breaths are simple and very effective and can be done wherever you are; lying in bed, sitting at your desk or standing in line at the shops.
“I started doing the breathing exercise last night and
it helped me relax a lot. THANK YOU!!!”
– L. Burgos, California
“The 1 minute video made me more relaxed than
I think I’ve felt in months! Made me miss doing this breathing
at random times like in a grocery store line – I forgot
I used to do that and it always improved my day!”
– K. Bruce-Webb, Manitoba
Please feel free to share these health tips with all your family, friends, peers and colleagues.
Enjoy the week’s video: The Neck & Shoulder Breath to help tension melt away.