A 2-day Workshop to Improve Your Breathing and Nurture Healthy Lungs for a Stronger Immune System

A Special Invitation to a Healthier Mind, Body and Spirit

Do you feel like you catch every cold and flu bug that goes 'round?

Or your coughs and stuffy noses hang around forever and won't go away?

Winter is coming…and if you’re ready to get ready for cold and flu season this workshop is for you!

A few gentle moves and simple breaths can strengthen our immune system without more tablets, capsules or sugary syrups.

For this workshop I am teaching you the exact Qi Gong moves and breaths that I do whenever I start to feel a tickle in my throat or a runny nose…2 or 3 days later it’s gone!

A few years ago when the world was on hold from a nasty virus, it was a shock for me to get a positive result when I was selected for a random test. I had no symptoms at all and would never have known otherwise.

Are you ready to learn some tools that can help you recover quicker and stronger from colds and flus?

Some easy tips that can help nurture a healthy immune system?

Simple breaths and moves that can be done anywhere, anytime?

If so, I would love to have you join us for this workshop.

Here’s to a healthy, strong you for the Winter!

Sincerely in the Spirit of Good Health, 


What is Immunity Boosting Qi Gong?

More and more people are looking for healthier ways of living and turning to self-strengthening and self-empowering practices like Qi Gong to optimise our health in all aspects of our being – physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually – through the realisation of the amazing powers our bodies have to heal.

Qi Gong is one of the pillars of health in TCM which is a system based on maintaining a healthy flow and balance of Qi, life-force energy, in the body.

The Immunity Boosting Qi Gong has an overall body tapping sequence and a form that consists of 5 positions to flow through that stimulates the energy centres important for a healthy immune system.

“I finally got back to the Immunity Tapping and felt so good after. I asked myself why I don’t do this every day.”  

– B. Corradetti, Calgary, AB

The best thing is that Immunity Boosting Qi Gong can be done anywhere, anytime – no mat, no equipment, no special attire…just you and the ground!

Energising our immune system strengthens us so that we can recover from symptoms quicker or fend off cold and flu bugs altogether.

A Different Approach for a Stronger Immune System

Our lungs are a very important part of our immune system.

This means that by improving our breathing, even by a little bit, we can strengthen our ability to fight off sickness or recover quicker and stronger instead of being totally knocked out.

A little boost to our immunity can help either fend off the occasional bug or get over coughs and sniffles faster so that we are on our way sooner.

When you join us for the Immunity Boosting Qi Gong Workshop you will learn:

  • how opening up energy flow for balance & harmony makes us stronger
  • how emotions affect our resilience to fend off colds and flu bugs
  • easy moves and breaths to bring into your every day
  • a 15-minute Immunity Tapping routine emphasising immunity energy points
  • a 10-minute Immunity Boosting Qi Gong Form you can do anywhere, anytime

“I was surprised how a low impact exercise can have such a profound positive effect on my body, balance, strength and overall well-being…I wasn't sure I would stick with it and I’m hooked!” 

S. Minderman, Florida, US

What You'll Receive

Two LIVE 2-hour Sessions Online using Zoom or In-Person at the home studio

Video Replays Included

Plus You’ll Receive These Bonuses

  • Bonus 1:

    A PDF of the Immunity Boosting Tapping Sequence 

  • Bonus 2:

    A PDF of the 5 postures of the Immunity Boosting Qi Gong Form

  • Bonus 3:

    Practice videos of the Immunity Boosting Tapping Sequence and Immunity Boosting Qi Gong Form

2-day Workshop: November 18th & 19th

Saturday & Sunday at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Pacific Time

Online: we’re using Zoom 

* Limited In-Person spaces at home studio

Video Replays Included

“I attribute my quick recovery from knee replacement surgery partly to the boost my immune system has gotten from the tapping sequences. I can imagine myself gladly doing this for the rest of my life!”  

K. Anderson, Oregon, US